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Plastic Surgery Basic Set
All Instruments are Sterilized
Plastic Surgery Set
Instrument Box, Stainless Steel, Perforated top and bottom with drop on lid and fixed zfold |
handles Size 300 X 155 X147mm. |
Rampleys Swab Holding Forceps 245mm. |
Backhaus Towel Forceps 80mm. |
Bard Parker Scalpel Handle No. 3 |
Bard Parker Scalpel Handle No. 4 |
Bard Parker Scalpel Handle No. 7 |
Adsons Dissecting Forceps Toothed (Large) |
Adsons Dissecting Forceps Non-Toothed (Large) |
Gilles Dissecting Forceps Toothed |
Mcindoe Scissors (Meduim) |
Kilner Skin Hook |
Howarth Periosteal Elevator |
Scissors Kilner curved on flat |
Scissors Iris sharp pointed (straight) |
Scissors Iris Sharp pointed (curved) |
Scissors Lahey Fine Curved |
Scissors Mcindoe curved |
Scissors Mayo straight (medium) |
Spencer Well artery forceps |
Catspaws Retractors |
Mayo Needle Holder (medium) |
Mayo Needle Holder (small) |
Metal ruler |
Suction Nozzle |
Gallipot |
Receivers (small, medium) |