X-Ray Unit
Standard Composition:
Microprocessor controlled H.T. Generator FS202-3
Diagnostic Table ZC15X-2
Radiographic table SC3-2
X-ray tube stand ZZ-3
Power supply: 380V AC±10% single phase
Frequency: 50Hz
Inner resistance: 0.3Ω
Radiography: Tube voltage: 50~125kV
Tube current: 30~300mA
Exposure time: 0.02~5s 23 steps
Fluoroscopy: Tube voltage: 40~110kV
Tube current: 0.5~5mA
TV system
Vertical bucky stand
Needdle with Plastic Hubs 27G, 30G
Needle with Plastic Hubs 27G, 30G
Amalgam Plugger
Amalgam Plugger
Aspirating Syringe
Aspirating syringe
Durogrip Crile Needle Holder
Durogrip Crile Needle Holders -
Contra Angle HandPiece
Mosquito Forceps
Mosquito Forceps
Crane Caplan Pocket Marker
Crane Caplan Pocket Marker
Handle Mirror
Dental Hand Mirror
Amalgam Carrier With Metal Tip
Amalgam Carrier
Gingival Margin Trimmer
Black Gingival Margin Trimmer
Ainsworht Punch
Ainsworth Punch - Rubber Dam